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Wolfus Maximus token logo

Wolfus Maximus (WOLFUS)

EVM network

Presale Live

Started at Jan 13, 2025

About Wolfus Maximus

Wolfus Maximus, a wise wolf with scars from forgotten battles, was the only being capable of matching Kekius in charisma and symbolism. While Kekius reigned over the realm of absurdity, Wolfus stood tall as the guardian of deep roots: the connection to nature, the sense of community, and the ancestral wisdom that had given rise to memes before their transformation into viral icons.
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Wolfus Maximus FAQ

What is the price of Wolfus Maximus?

The current price of a single Wolfus Maximus coin is $0.0001054.

Is Wolfus Maximus a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check Wolfus Maximus with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is Wolfus Maximus contract address?

Wolfus Maximus smart contract address is BrSJGRtW9SS8PEiRxrrxQHuNxjm6PpzJVUMfYw3AyZiv.

What is the Wolfus Maximus Market Cap?

Wolfus Maximus Market Cap is $1.1k.

Launched on Jan 13, 2025

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