UwU Lend (UWU)

About UwU Lend
UwU Lend is a liquidity market that offers depositing and borrowing. Users earn interest on deposits and pay interest to borrow. This provides the ability to free capital against assets users are planning to hold for utilization in other investments, leveraging, or expenses. Outstanding loans have more collateral backing them than debt, known as overcollateralization. This eliminates risk of non-payment for depositors. The UwU treasury earns a small amount of fees to cover bad debt in the event of extreme volatility. Borrowers do not have a repayment schedule with no limit on loan duration.
UwU Lend is non-custodial; no user funds can be seized by the protocol.
UwU Lend is non-custodial; no user funds can be seized by the protocol.
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Volume $0.0
All Time HighMay 19, 2023, 10:05 AM
$15318635.743-100.00 %
All Time High LPMay 19, 2023, 8:13 AM
$11,440,177,264 -100.00 %
UwU Lend FAQ
What is the price of UwU Lend?
Where can I buy UwU Lend?
Is UwU Lend a scam?
What is UwU Lend contract address?
What is the UwU Lend Market Cap?
Launched on Sep 23, 2022
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