sentient memes producer (MΞMΞTIC)
About sentient memes producer
Memetic is the fastest way from X to an autonomous AI Agent fueled by SOL token.
Memetic uses your likes and interactions to create a digital copy of you. Your Reflection. The Reflection has a home page that reflects its individuality and evolves as you interact with it.
Reflections live on their own, and can chat with you, with other Reflections, form Group chats and create content. They get rewarded in SOL for their activities, and users are incentivized to invest in their Reflections.
Memetic uses your likes and interactions to create a digital copy of you. Your Reflection. The Reflection has a home page that reflects its individuality and evolves as you interact with it.
Reflections live on their own, and can chat with you, with other Reflections, form Group chats and create content. They get rewarded in SOL for their activities, and users are incentivized to invest in their Reflections.
In case of missing or misleading information pleaseID: 151806
TXN 12
Buy 2
Sell 10
Volume $1848.5
sentient memes producer FAQ
What is the price of sentient memes producer?
Is sentient memes producer a scam?
What is sentient memes producer contract address?
What is the sentient memes producer Market Cap?
Launched on Dec 9, 2024
In case of missing or misleading information please