

Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)


PearDAO Token Live price data
The live price of PearDAO Token today is 0.125878212164781372 USD. $pex It is up 4,07% from the last trading day! We update our USD to pex every 10 minutes!

PearDAO Has a Market Cap of 1,162,802,464,448,100,096 USD and is up 957726004458,72% in the last 24H!

What Is PearDAO (pex)?
What is Pear (PEX)?

PEAR is a decentralized online marketplace. Our goal is to provide an open, free, decentralized marketplace that facilitates the exchange of goods and value using a decentralized payment system (cryptocurrencies), a decentralized marketplace (PEAR network) and a decentralized Moderator (PEAR DAO).

How is PEX different

Peardao (PEX) aims to complement the CEX and DEX-driven cryptocurrency ecosystem by enabling the exchange of value between on-chain, off-chain and cross-chain ecosystems, much like what we are seeing in centralized ecommerce marketplace like eBay and amazon. Transactions on the Pear marketplace are executed through smart contract(s), facilitated by encrypted chat tools. Credit history is public and transparent to all and arbitration is done through a decentralized dispute management system.

Pear seeks to become the leading open marketplace. Our marketplace will eventually be compatible with any type of commerce transaction, payment method, and chain agnostic. We are a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) where members can make decisions to set rules for their ideal marketplace. PEX’s vision is to become part of the infrastructure for the Web3 ecosystem.

What Is PearDAO (pex) contract address??
The contract address for the PearDAO is 0x6a0b66710567b6beb81a71f7e9466450a91a384b and it can be found on bsc network.

PEAR DAO Coin Information

PEAR DAO is a new cryptocurrency that was launched on Mar 13, 2022. As of today, the PEAR DAO price is currently at $0.01266, with a 24-hour trading volume of $295.77K. Despite being a new token, PEAR DAO has already attracted a lot of interest from investors due to its unique features and potential for growth.

In the past 24 hours, price has increased by 30.4%. PEAR DAO has a total supply of 1.0B coins. For those interested in buying or selling PEAR DAO, PancakeSwap is the most active exchange at the moment.

PEAR DAO's official website, offers more information about the token and its features. Additionally, PEAR DAO has an active Telegram community , which provides a platform for investors to discuss the token and stay up to date on its progress.


What is the price of PEAR DAO today?

The current price of a single PEAR DAO coin is about $0.01266.

How do I buy PEAR DAO?

You can buy PEAR DAO on PancakeSwap exchange.

Is PEAR DAO a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check PEAR DAO with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is PEAR DAO smart contract address?

PEAR DAO smart contract address is 0x6a0b66710567b6beb81a71f7e9466450a91a384b.

What is the PEAR DAO Market Cap today?

PEAR DAO Market Cap is $12.66M today.

What's the last 24h PEAR DAO trading volume?

Trading volume of PEAR DAO in the last 24h was $295.77K over 36 transactions.

How much money is in PEAR DAO Liquidity Pool?

There is $64,524 in PEAR DAO liquidity pool.

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PEAR DAO Token Price

Buy -
Sell -
Volume $0.0
Buy/Sell fee0% / 0%
Total supply1.0B
Market Cap$12.66M
All Time HighMar 13, 2022, 9:23 AM
$0.4980-97.46 %
All Time High LPAug 20, 2022, 9:33 PM
$1,829,447 -92.95 %

Launched on Mar 13, 2022

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