Nali the Otter token logo
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Nali the Otter token logo

Nali the Otter (NALI)

EVM network

Presale Live

Started at Oct 25, 2024

About Nali the Otter

Meet Nali, the most curious and playful otter on Solana
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Nali the Otter FAQ

What is the price of Nali the Otter?

The current price of a single Nali the Otter coin is $0.000004695.

Is Nali the Otter a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check Nali the Otter with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is Nali the Otter contract address?

Nali the Otter smart contract address is 4WXH1rFaCPXn3Yqi2ydUaMXfe9S7G7gQ7ZC9cxAEpump.

What is the Nali the Otter Market Cap?

Nali the Otter Market Cap is $4.7k.

Launched on Oct 25, 2024

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