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Mr. Catizen (CATIZEN)

EVM network

Presale Live

Started at Jan 15, 2025

About Mr. Catizen

Mr. Catizen says: We’re makin’ America MEOW again! 🐾 $CATIZEN on Solana is here to change lives. We will escape poverty by 2027—no taxes for CATIZENS . 😼
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Mr. Catizen FAQ

What is the price of Mr. Catizen?

The current price of a single Mr. Catizen coin is $0.000001979.

Is Mr. Catizen a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check Mr. Catizen with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is Mr. Catizen contract address?

Mr. Catizen smart contract address is 9zBV2nauuA96EpY828ndLuSwTj35SJRDTohfepBYXztV.

What is the Mr. Catizen Market Cap?

Mr. Catizen Market Cap is $2.0k.

Launched on Jan 15, 2025

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