MoonEdge (MOONED)

About MoonEdge
MoonEdge Token Live price data
The live price of MoonEdge Token today is 0.014199456754791010 USD. $mooned It is down -0,44 from the last trading day! We update our USD to mooned every 10 minutes!
MoonEdge Has a Market Cap of 2,839,872 USD and is down -0,44% in the last 24H!
What Is MoonEdge (mooned)?
MoonEdge is the first decentralized launch pad fully dedicated to project launches on Polygon (formally MATIC). MoonEdge’s goal is to provide a seamless path for Polygon-built projects to make it to market. Through this, we are lowering the barrier to entry for all Polygon enthusiasts.
The MoonEdge allocation system involved guaranteed allocation for all investment classes. Our tiers are structured to ensure every size and type of investor has the opportunity to get involved in the growth and development of the Polygon platform’s earliest projects.
We look to onboard users and projects onto the Polygon ecosystem. With greater fundraising access, we strive to protect all participants involved from scams and bad actors. Projects which are listed on MoonEdge are subjected to a thorough vetting process and undergoes detailed scrutiny. This is done via an elected MoonEdge committee, which consists of its partners and advisors.
What Is MoonEdge (mooned) contract address??
The contract address for the MoonEdge is 0x7e4c577ca35913af564ee2a24d882a4946ec492b and it can be found on polygon network.
How much MoonEdge is in circulation?
The circulating supply of $mooned is 199998631 and it has a total supply of 199998662 tokens. The tokens are available on the POLYGON network.
The live price of MoonEdge Token today is 0.014199456754791010 USD. $mooned It is down -0,44 from the last trading day! We update our USD to mooned every 10 minutes!
MoonEdge Has a Market Cap of 2,839,872 USD and is down -0,44% in the last 24H!
What Is MoonEdge (mooned)?
MoonEdge is the first decentralized launch pad fully dedicated to project launches on Polygon (formally MATIC). MoonEdge’s goal is to provide a seamless path for Polygon-built projects to make it to market. Through this, we are lowering the barrier to entry for all Polygon enthusiasts.
The MoonEdge allocation system involved guaranteed allocation for all investment classes. Our tiers are structured to ensure every size and type of investor has the opportunity to get involved in the growth and development of the Polygon platform’s earliest projects.
We look to onboard users and projects onto the Polygon ecosystem. With greater fundraising access, we strive to protect all participants involved from scams and bad actors. Projects which are listed on MoonEdge are subjected to a thorough vetting process and undergoes detailed scrutiny. This is done via an elected MoonEdge committee, which consists of its partners and advisors.
What Is MoonEdge (mooned) contract address??
The contract address for the MoonEdge is 0x7e4c577ca35913af564ee2a24d882a4946ec492b and it can be found on polygon network.
How much MoonEdge is in circulation?
The circulating supply of $mooned is 199998631 and it has a total supply of 199998662 tokens. The tokens are available on the POLYGON network.
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Volume $0.0
All Time HighOct 15, 2023, 2:36 AM
$0.1060-96.64 %
All Time High LPMar 9, 2024, 6:31 AM
$662,889 -75.60 %
MoonEdge FAQ
What is the price of MoonEdge?
Where can I buy MoonEdge?
Is MoonEdge a scam?
What is MoonEdge contract address?
What is the MoonEdge Market Cap?
Launched on Nov 13, 2021
In case of missing or misleading information please