
MetaVerse-M (M)

Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

About MetaVerse-M

About M people asking about liquidity and stuff

1. M will never exceed 10 Million coins. It mints coins on farming and staking rewards. Whenever it reaches 10 Million (4years from now) the stakepool will stop paying.
2. Liquidity - we have BNB, XRP, USDT, BUSD, BABYDOGE, 1INCH, BRISE, ADA, BTC, ETH, and some more pools
Liquidity at this stage is only counted on BNB because CMC does not track all the pairs.
According to pancake swap we have like 11K liquidity.
3. We have working products take a look at our Farm, NFT store.
4. We will be venturing into property and NFT`s when we gain some nice traction.
5. Fully Doxed team
6. Stake earn yield or farm and earn higher yield.
7. We been around for 8 Months.
9. I have been in the space since 2017
Hopefully this puts a bit more perspective.

We would love it for you to join our adventure.
MetaVerse-M Dev

MetaVerse-M Coin Information

MetaVerse-M is a new cryptocurrency that was launched on Jun 22, 2022. As of today, the MetaVerse-M price is currently at $0.001643, with a 24-hour trading volume of $495.20. Despite being a new token, MetaVerse-M has already attracted a lot of interest from investors due to its unique features and potential for growth.

In the past 24 hours, price has decreased by -7.3%. MetaVerse-M has a total supply of 10.0M coins. For those interested in buying or selling MetaVerse-M, PancakeSwap is the most active exchange at the moment.

MetaVerse-M's official website, offers more information about the token and its features. Additionally, MetaVerse-M has an active Telegram community , which provides a platform for investors to discuss the token and stay up to date on its progress.

MetaVerse-M FAQ

What is the price of MetaVerse-M today?

The current price of a single MetaVerse-M coin is about $0.001643.

How do I buy MetaVerse-M?

You can buy MetaVerse-M on PancakeSwap exchange.

Is MetaVerse-M a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check MetaVerse-M with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is MetaVerse-M smart contract address?

MetaVerse-M smart contract address is 0x558ad2b02ce979ca54f88206ed8597c8c740774e.

What is the MetaVerse-M Market Cap today?

MetaVerse-M Market Cap is $16.4k today.

What's the last 24h MetaVerse-M trading volume?

Trading volume of MetaVerse-M in the last 24h was $495.20 over 135 transactions.

How much money is in MetaVerse-M Liquidity Pool?

There is $832 in MetaVerse-M liquidity pool.

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MetaVerse-M Token Price

Buy -
Sell -
Volume $0.0
Buy/Sell feeUnknown
Total supply10.0M
Market Cap$16.4k
All Time HighMay 3, 2022, 1:46 PM
$0.7322-99.78 %
All Time High LPJun 24, 2022, 6:32 PM
$25,267 -93.42 %

Launched on Jun 22, 2022

In case of missing or misleading information please