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Meme Rangers (MR)

EVM network

Presale Live

Started at Mar 20, 2024

About Meme Rangers

Meme Rangers is a kaleidoscope of wit and whimsy, a new legend in the Solana universe where humor is our shield and creativity our sword. This isn't just about riding the meme wave; it's about crafting a community where every chuckle and guffaw fortifies our bond. As a Ranger, you're not just a spectator; you're the heart, the soul, and the punchline of our journey. Dive in, and let's make the Solana space a brighter, lighter place together.


Launched on March 18th

10 billion issued

90% LP
10% KMKC NFT holder airdrop

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Meme Rangers FAQ

What is the price of Meme Rangers?

The current price of a single Meme Rangers coin is $0.000002096.

Is Meme Rangers a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check Meme Rangers with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is Meme Rangers contract address?

Meme Rangers smart contract address is 8KZraXPj1W6QNZkHQ99uc8AMVyQS3TvWRWPHRnE5H57U.

What is the Meme Rangers Market Cap?

Meme Rangers Market Cap is $21.0k.

Launched on Mar 20, 2024

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