Lyra Token (LYRA)

About Lyra Token
Lyra Finance Token Live price data
The live price of Lyra Finance Token today is 0.150139119420622830 USD. $lyra It is down 0,82 from the last trading day! We update our USD to lyra every 10 minutes!
Lyra Finance Has a Market Cap of 150,139,119 USD and is down 0,82% in the last 24H!
What Is Lyra Finance (lyra)?
Lyra is an open protocol for trading options built on Ethereum. Lyra allows traders to buy and sell options that are accurately priced with the first market-based, skew adjusted pricing model. Lyra also quantifies the risks incurred by liquidity providers and actively hedges them, encouraging more liquidity to enter the protocol.
LYRA is the native utility token that is used for:
– Depositing in the security module to backstop the protocol.
– Used for governance votes to determine how network resources are allocated.
– Trader and LP incentives.
What Is Lyra Finance (lyra) contract address??
The contract address for the Lyra Finance is 0x01ba67aac7f75f647d94220cc98fb30fcc5105bf and it can be found on eth network.
The live price of Lyra Finance Token today is 0.150139119420622830 USD. $lyra It is down 0,82 from the last trading day! We update our USD to lyra every 10 minutes!
Lyra Finance Has a Market Cap of 150,139,119 USD and is down 0,82% in the last 24H!
What Is Lyra Finance (lyra)?
Lyra is an open protocol for trading options built on Ethereum. Lyra allows traders to buy and sell options that are accurately priced with the first market-based, skew adjusted pricing model. Lyra also quantifies the risks incurred by liquidity providers and actively hedges them, encouraging more liquidity to enter the protocol.
LYRA is the native utility token that is used for:
– Depositing in the security module to backstop the protocol.
– Used for governance votes to determine how network resources are allocated.
– Trader and LP incentives.
What Is Lyra Finance (lyra) contract address??
The contract address for the Lyra Finance is 0x01ba67aac7f75f647d94220cc98fb30fcc5105bf and it can be found on eth network.
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Volume $0.0
All Time HighFeb 18, 2024, 4:47 PM
$2.346-99.96 %
All Time High LPSep 30, 2022, 7:42 AM
$503,618 -99.97 %
Lyra Token FAQ
What is the price of Lyra Token?
Where can I buy Lyra Token?
Is Lyra Token a scam?
What is Lyra Token contract address?
What is the Lyra Token Market Cap?
Launched on Dec 20, 2021
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