Ethernity CLOUD (ECLD)
About Ethernity CLOUD
Ethernity Cloud is the ultimate solution for businesses whose data is their biggest asset. Ethernity Cloud is, to this date, the most technologically advanced and therefore secure confidential computing ecosystem in the market. Ethernity CLOUD's vision about the future of the cloud has three imperative features: encrypted, anonymous, continuous available. Leveraging blockchain technology, Ethernity Cloud mission is to develop a decentralized ecosystem that allows regular cloud software to be run as decentralized cloud applications. Within Ethernity CLOUD, the nodes are location agnostic, self-replicating, constantly spawning around the internet without user interaction, exactly as defined in the Ethereum compatible smart contract.
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Volume $0.0
All Time HighNov 30, 2023, 6:52 PM
$0.02009at ATH
All Time High LPNov 30, 2023, 6:53 PM
$536 at ATH
Ethernity CLOUD FAQ
What is the price of Ethernity CLOUD?
Where can I buy Ethernity CLOUD?
Is Ethernity CLOUD a scam?
What is Ethernity CLOUD contract address?
What is the Ethernity CLOUD Market Cap?
Launched on Sep 10, 2023
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