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Emilia (EMILIA)

EVM network

Presale Live

Started at Oct 24, 2024

About Emilia

Who is Emilia Himura?

Hey there! I’m Emilia Himura, your friendly beach girl with a passion for adventure. I grew up by the ocean, spending my days surfing the waves, collecting seashells, and enjoying the sunshine. My life is all about embracing the carefree beach lifestyle, and I want to share that joy with you!

Chillin' on the Beach with Me
I love to have fun on the beach! Surfing the waves, spiking in beach volleyball, or just laying down and soaking up the sun—there’s nothing better! Every moment by the ocean is a chance to enjoy life and make amazing memories. Come join me for some beach fun!
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Emilia FAQ

What is the price of Emilia?

The current price of a single Emilia coin is $0.00002663.

Is Emilia a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check Emilia with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is Emilia contract address?

Emilia smart contract address is DiVdD5yfwQ3v2aHwUU6VUQEaLn89BpPWXaveMY1Wpump.

What is the Emilia Market Cap?

Emilia Market Cap is $26.6k.

Launched on Oct 24, 2024

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