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degenerative SITCOM ($SITCOM)

CoinGeckoEVM network

About degenerative SITCOM

This is the first SITCOM on the Solana chain, starring characters from The Boys Club by Matt Furie.
Go to the group chat in Telegram and use the /addtopic command to submit your scenario for the characters.
Then wait for your turn.
Please note that this is a beta version, so there may be errors in scenario creation and AI voice acting. If any errors occur, your scenario might be skipped.
I am continuously adding new scenes, actions, and characters, as well as fixing issues identified during the beta testing phase.
I’d also be happy to hear your suggestions for improving the sitcom in the group chat.
In case of missing or misleading information pleaseID: 148904
degenerative SITCOM Price USD
TXN 10
Buy 8
Sell 2
Volume $495.05
Buy/Sell fee- / -
Total supply1000.0M
Market Cap$512.1k

degenerative SITCOM FAQ

What is the price of degenerative SITCOM?

The current price of a single degenerative SITCOM coin is $0.0005121.

Is degenerative SITCOM a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check degenerative SITCOM with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is degenerative SITCOM contract address?

degenerative SITCOM smart contract address is AK9yVoXKK1Cjww7HDyjYNyW5FujD3FJ2xbjMUStspump.

What is the degenerative SITCOM Market Cap?

degenerative SITCOM Market Cap is $512.1k.

Launched on Nov 28, 2024

In case of missing or misleading information please