
Ontology Token (ONT)

Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

About Ontology Token

Binance-Peg Ontology Token Live price data
The live price of Binance-Peg Ontology Token today is 0.253798313265407582 USD. $ont It is up 10,71% from the last trading day! We update our USD to ont every 10 minutes!

Binance-Peg Ontology Has a Market Cap of 4,796,788 USD and is up 10,81% in the last 24H!

What Is Binance-Peg Ontology (ont)?
ONT-33D is a crypto asset pegged to Ontology (ONT) tokens on the Binance Chain and listed on Binance DEX, the decentralized exchange feature developed on top of the Binance Chain. ONT-33D is the BEP2 token backed by ONT at a 1:1 ratio.

Ontology is a high-performance public blockchain and distributed collaboration platform. Architected in Asia with global teams, Ontology’s unique infrastructure supports robust cross-chain collaboration, Layer 2 scalability and includes a suite of decentralized identity (DID) and data sharing protocols to enhance the speed, security, and trust that are fundamental to enhanced global cooperation among businesses. These characteristics are particularly important for future global collaboration with on-chain and off-chain scenarios.

What Is Binance-Peg Ontology (ont) contract address??
The contract address for the Binance-Peg Ontology is 0xfd7b3a77848f1c2d67e05e54d78d174a0c850335 and it can be found on bsc network.

How much Binance-Peg Ontology is in circulation?
The circulating supply of $ont is 18900000 and it has a total supply of 18900000 tokens. The tokens are available on the BSC network.

Ontology Token Coin Information

Ontology Token is a new cryptocurrency that was launched on Nov 12, 2021. As of today, the Ontology Token price is currently at $0.3379, with a 24-hour trading volume of $414.61. Despite being a new token, Ontology Token has already attracted a lot of interest from investors due to its unique features and potential for growth.

In the past 24 hours, price has decreased by -0.2%. Ontology Token has a total supply of 18.9M coins. For those interested in buying or selling Ontology Token, ApeSwap is the most active exchange at the moment.

Ontology Token's official website, offers more information about the token and its features. Additionally, Ontology Token has an active Telegram community , which provides a platform for investors to discuss the token and stay up to date on its progress.

Ontology Token FAQ

What is the price of Ontology Token today?

The current price of a single Ontology Token coin is about $0.3379.

How do I buy Ontology Token?

You can buy Ontology Token on ApeSwap exchange.

Is Ontology Token a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check Ontology Token with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is Ontology Token smart contract address?

Ontology Token smart contract address is 0xfd7b3a77848f1c2d67e05e54d78d174a0c850335.

What is the Ontology Token Market Cap today?

Ontology Token Market Cap is $6.39M today.

What's the last 24h Ontology Token trading volume?

Trading volume of Ontology Token in the last 24h was $414.61 over 126 transactions.

How much money is in Ontology Token Liquidity Pool?

There is $1,207 in Ontology Token liquidity pool.

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Ontology Token Token Price

Buy 1
Sell 0
Volume $2.52
Buy/Sell feeUnknown
Total supply18.9M
Market Cap$6.39M
All Time HighMar 9, 2024, 7:07 AM
$0.9515-64.48 %
All Time High LPJun 6, 2022, 12:45 AM
$197,030 -98.77 %

Launched on Nov 12, 2021

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