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Apu Apustaja (APU)

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About Apu Apustaja

Recently our Bus Stop Ads in NYC have gotten quite a lot of attention on social media, garnering 2+ million impressions on X in 48hrs. A lot of you frens have really enjoyed these and it caused quite the wave amongst the Crypto Community. Whether you love or hate the green frog, we want you all to know that he's here to stay. So with that being said, we've increased our NYC Bus Stop Ads from 13 of the most busiest stops to 50 of the most busiest stops. Enjoy some pictures below and[ feel free to share if you see one out and about! 👀
In case of missing or misleading information pleaseID: 113542
Apu Apustaja Price USD
TXN 18
Buy 13
Sell 5
Volume $11.51K
Buy/Sell feeUnknown
Total supply420.7B
Market Cap$44.30M
All Time HighMay 15, 2024, 3:53 AM
$0.001542-93.17 %
All Time High LPNov 18, 2024, 4:30 AM
$4,223,645 -62.72 %

Apu Apustaja FAQ

What is the price of Apu Apustaja?

The current price of a single Apu Apustaja coin is $0.0001053.

Where can I buy Apu Apustaja?

You can buy Apu Apustaja on Uniswap exchange.

Is Apu Apustaja a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check Apu Apustaja with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is Apu Apustaja contract address?

Apu Apustaja smart contract address is 0x594daad7d77592a2b97b725a7ad59d7e188b5bfa.

What is the Apu Apustaja Market Cap?

Apu Apustaja Market Cap is $44.30M.

Launched on Mar 20, 2024

In case of missing or misleading information please