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Movement (MOVE)

EVM network

Presale Live

Started at Dec 8, 2024

About Movement

Movement is a blockchain network that provides a flexible and interoperable platform for building and running decentralized applications (dApps) across multiple blockchain ecosystems. It supports various environments, including Aptos, Ethereum-compatible chains (via Move-EVM), and Sui, offering developers a broad toolkit for creating and deploying smart contracts and dApps.

Movement also provides tools like the Movement SDK, which integrates MoveVM's security with Solidity's adaptability, allowing for seamless blockchain integration. Developers can connect to the network using standardized RPC formats and work with the Movement CLI for node operations and testing.
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Movement FAQ

What is the price of Movement?

The current price of a single Movement coin is $0.04046.

Is Movement a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check Movement with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is Movement contract address?

Movement smart contract address is 9g3TTnRqEV1E8saCegiMEXJAVwPzUvYHCMS3SaprcXfC.

What is the Movement Market Cap?

Movement Market Cap is $404.60M.

Launched on Dec 8, 2024

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