
erowan (EROWAN)

Network: Ethereum (ETH)

About erowan

Sifchain Token Live price data
The live price of Sifchain Token today is 0.108209857762635836 USD. $erowan It is down -1,40 from the last trading day! We update our USD to erowan every 10 minutes!

Sifchain Has a Market Cap of 7,009,993 USD and is down 0,00% in the last 24H!

What Is Sifchain (erowan)?
Sifchain is the brainchild of Sif, the Norse goddess of earth, agriculture, fertility, family, and marriage. She brings abundance, pleasure, and wisdom wherever she goes. She has blessed a hearty band of 21st century humans with the task of instantiating Sifchain in our universe.

Sif represents the collaborative nature of the blockchain industry and the lush rewards that can be found in cultivating connections between multiple other chains. The vision of her moving gracefully through her fields, harvesting a bountiful array of crops, the culmination of all of her hard work and forethought, is what we strive to reproduce in our work on Sifchain. We hope you’ll join us in these noble pursuits.

What Is Sifchain (erowan) contract address??
The contract address for the Sifchain is 0x07bac35846e5ed502aa91adf6a9e7aa210f2dcbe and it can be found on eth network.

erowan Coin Information

erowan is a new cryptocurrency that was launched on Nov 13, 2021. As of today, the erowan price is currently at $0.000006985, with a 24-hour trading volume of $0. Despite being a new token, erowan has already attracted a lot of interest from investors due to its unique features and potential for growth.

erowan's official website, offers more information about the token and its features. Additionally, erowan has an active Telegram community , which provides a platform for investors to discuss the token and stay up to date on its progress.

erowan FAQ

What is the price of erowan today?

The current price of a single erowan coin is about $0.000006985.

How do I buy erowan?

You can buy erowan on SushiSwap exchange.

Is erowan a scam?

To get the most precise and in-depth scam analysis, check erowan with the Top100Token Scanner tool.

What is erowan smart contract address?

erowan smart contract address is 0x07bac35846e5ed502aa91adf6a9e7aa210f2dcbe.

What is the erowan Market Cap today?

erowan Market Cap is $216 today.

What's the last 24h erowan trading volume?

Trading volume of erowan in the last 24h was $0 over 0 transactions.

How much money is in erowan Liquidity Pool?

There is $1,000 in erowan liquidity pool.

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erowan Token Price

Buy -
Sell -
Volume $0.0
Buy/Sell fee0% / 0%
Total supply30.9M
Market Cap$216
All Time HighApr 29, 2022, 11:43 PM
$0.1780-100.00 %
All Time High LPApr 29, 2022, 10:49 PM
$257,677 -99.22 %

Launched on Nov 13, 2021

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